1 b 20/10/97 00 - General Instructions Type Screw Dimensio n Unit 00 00 Extract from company standard BMW N 600 02.0 The maximum tightening torques are: Only applicable to shaft screws with metric standard and fine threads acc. to BMW N 600 02.0 Applicable range for tightening torques, refer to extract from company standard BMW N 600 02.0 M16 thread M16 8.8 200 Nm (ft. For M8 and M10 screws are identical: Replace, wash and oil screws. 00 00 M16 and M16x1.5 - maximum tightening torques acc. BMW TORQUE SPECS R7 PDF (Full Version) 41 kb/s: BMW TORQUE SPECS R7 PDF (Fast Load) 14 kb/s: BMW TORQUE SPECS R7 PDF (Mirror #1). BMW Torque Specifications - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online. /rebates/&252fbmw-torque-specs-pdf. what are the big end 19 hours ago 5 Swingarm pivot shaft lock nut 90 9 Download Torque Specs in Pdf Format Axle Front / Rear Wheel (2-Piece.

E90 Bmw Torque Specs Bmw Bolt Torque Specs. The general information in these materials should always be read in conjunction with other specific materials and information available from BMW Group New Zealand. /rebates/&252fbmw-torque-specs-pdf. Like the M54, the N52 uses an and on both camshafts (called by BMW). Product features, specifications, models and prices are subject to change without notice. Rear of N52, with Valvetronic visible Compared with its predecessor, the N52 features (called by BMW), a lighter block due to the use of a magnesium alloy and an electric water pump and a variable oil pump.