I have used MAXQDA for qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews during my dissertation.

degree from the Department of Sociology of Hacettepe University in Turkey in 2016. Up to now, in order to teach Maxqda, I reached many people from different cities of Turkey, for example, Kars, Kahramanmaraş, Eskişehir, Denizli, İzmir, Ankara, Bolu, Gaziantep. I have taught to use MAXQDA to more than 500 people who are academics and researchers in Turkey. I have given more than 44 workshops since then. I have been a MAXQDA-Trainer in Turkey since 2012. Mixing Methods and Data Types for Analysing Open-ended Questions.Easy to use and learn because of its user-friendly interface.MAXQDA Professional Trainer: Dr.Offers mixed methods, statistical, and quantitative content analysis tools.

Easily analyse documents, interviews, focus groups, text/video/audio files, literature reviews, images, and more.MAXQDA is a world-leading software package for qualitative and mixed methods research and the only leading QDA software to offer identical features on Windows and Mac.Mixed methods, Writing for Qualitative Papers.How to do literature review using MAXQDA.How to write ROL using Reference Management software, avoiding Plagiarism.Extracting data, Importing and exporting of data using open source software, formats Identifying Research gaps, Systematic Literature Review Methods.Sentiment Analytics, Social media analysis (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) working with images, audio and video.Techniques of coding and nodes for interviews thematic analysis narrative analysis content analysis text mining.Sampling issues in Qualitative Data, Reliability, Validity and Intercoder Reliability.Choosing a right qualitative method Interview protocol.User interface of MAXQDA, Creating new project, Working with codes, memos, Lexical Search, Cross Tabulations.Participants will get two months free licence of MAXQDA (including one-month free trial). This course covers everything you need to know about the Qualitative Methods of Research from design to implementation to analysis.